Okay. i have read both all of the Vampire Academy books a million time, not literally but so many times that i cant count it haha, and everytime i read Blood Promise and Shadowkiss this always crosses my mind, (i have the older copies) and i was wondering if it does for anyone else.
In shadow kiss when Rose first meet Jill, Jill is rambling and she talks about how she heard that the was magic used on the Spokane trip and she says that she specializes in air then in Blood Promise she gets Christian to help her with her magic and they go and talk to Adrian and Lissa when they are practicing and i think Adrian askes her what element she speciallizes in and she says water and they play the joke about how she should make a bucket of water fall on Christians head.
I started rereading the series again and im on shadow kiss and I just got to the part where Jills talking to Rose, so i was just wondering if anyone else was wondering about it also. i mean i know that the books go through lots of editing, but that always catches my attention.
- thanks for listening to me blabber about this. haha