Hi there!
I just wanted to say how happy I am to finally join a VA web/forum.
My name is Melissa and I just turned 18 years old February the 6th. I can finally say I'm an adult!!
As all of you I'm so deep in love with the series. I found out about this book while doing some research, I wanted to read some paranormal/romance books and I found out about VA. I soon couldn't stop reading, can you believe I finished the first fourth books in 5 days?!
Yes, I did that, thanks to my two vacations weeks I have from cooking school.
The book is beyond intriguing, it's entertaining and amazing. Richelle makes you feel part of the booksin her writing, and that's GOLD!
I'm so exciting to start posting here, but there is always one litte-tiny problem: My English. I'm from Peru, but I'm actually living in Spain, so my nature first language is Spanish, but since my parents put me in an English academy when I was 15 I developed a big love for English, since then I only lsiten music written in English, and read only books in English, I loved it!!!
Well, and I think that's all..........
Thanks for creating a web page where VA's readers can open their mind and hearts.